Monday, March 17, 2014

Sabor de Chile: meat puddin' and run flaming

Welcome to the first in an irregular series of posts I am calling Sabor de Chile (Taste of Chile), documenting the delicious, horrendous, or otherwise notable food things I encounter here.
First up is the menu from the cafeteria (and only source of hot food) in the Paine Grande Lodge.  We had been hiking all afternoon without much substantial food, and we were completely famished. But wait: what are they serving? hungry are you?
 Does that say...meat puddn? What on God's green earth is meat pudding, and are we desperate enough to eat it? Does it involve cow stomachs or blood sausage?

Turns out that meat pudding is in fact:

 Meat loaf. A huuuge chunk of meat loaf. Not the best meat puddn I've ever tasted, but I am from Minnesota. Anything cooked in a casserole dish or loaf pan is in our wheelhouse.

Also in today's Sabor de Chile is my favorite high-risk dessert item, care of a restaurant in Puerto Natales. Check out the Tortilla al ron, fifth down.

I so, so wish I had ordered this. Maybe then I would know how to eat an omelet while running, and also while on fire. As it is, this skill may always remain a mystery.

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