Thursday, May 22, 2014

Shoes at ten, church at eleven

13 mayo 2014

We are in Buenos Aires for the week. There is so much to see and do here that I don't know how to do it blog-justice, but the morning of our first full day we bought tango shoes, then we visited the cathedral. Tango and architecture pretty well sums up my two highest priorites for the week. Make that tango, architecture, and beef.

The box claims these are magic shoes. We'll see.

The cathdral is an easy place to lose yourself for an hour or two if you have any interest in church art and architecture. Like in the city itself, every time you turn your head in Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires there is something interesting to see.

That is one greco-roman-political-looking cathedral

Part of me wishes–just a little–that this statue were on wheels.

"I have overcome the world"
Oldest altarpiece in here (1671)
Crypt of national hero Jose de San Martin w/ honor guard.

As a suspected freemason, San Martin got a mausoleum
"next to" the sanctuary proper, not in it. Poor guy.

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